2x Praliné d’Amande au Café (ref. 28)
6x Ganache cannelle (ref. 35)
5x Ganache à la violette lait (ref. 1)
5x Ganache à l'anis (ref. 8)
6x Praliné lait (ref. 12)
12x Ganache réglisse (ref. 23)
4x Ganache à la noix de muscade (ref. 31)
2x Ganache au gimgembre - Mysato (ref. 39)
6x Ganache à la pistache (ref. 44)
12x Ganache à la cacahuète - Cecile Massart (ref. 64)
3x Ganache Moka lait (ref.53)
2x Ganache noisette (ref. 21)
3x Ganache fèves de Tonka (ref. 50)
1x Ganache Café Cognac (ref. 34)
Pack content
Chocolate of a crackly appearance surrounding a delicious ganache of Toulouse violet. The geometric form of the chocolate recalls the shape of the top of Juliette’s nose.
A chocolate evocative of a shining head of golden hair, giving way to a subtle blend of chocolate and jasmine.
As one of the benefits of anis is stimulation of the appetite, the sweetness of the chocolate can be enjoyed before a meal. Its fine and pervasive flavour will also aid with digestive problems.
Milk chocolate coating a thick, pure hazelnut paste. The more traditional allows lets you enjoy it as a delectable pleasure throughout the day. The design on the chocolate represents an oriental arabesque.
Once bitten, the aroma of the hazelnuts literally takes possession of the nostrils. Simultaneously, the whole flavour of the hazelnut delicately permeates the chocolate, arousing the senses.
Extracted from strongly aromatic roots, liquorice naturally sweetens this firm ganache coated in milk chocolate. The taste persists on the surfaces of the lips.
The combination of nuts and coffee beans creates a harmonious almond and coffee taste. Each praline is enhanced by a touch of milk chocolate making it unique.
The soft and sweet tastes of milk chocolate are balanced with hazelnut paste infused with nutmeg, a very aromatic spice which has a taste somewhat similar to Cayenne pepper. The combination melts in your mouth.
While eating this treat its flavors are progressively released into your mouth. The unmistakable taste of milk chocolate is sublimated by a firm coffee ganache. This one is enriched with the fine taste of caramel. This is the “Crescendo” praline.
Most recognizable of all spices thanks to its particular aroma, cinnamon enhances the white chocolate praline. It gives the ganache a powerful taste.
Candied ginger enhances the ganache and gives it a slightly tangy and fruity flavor which delicately blends with the milk chocolate. The praline's shape was designed by Mysato, a Japanese artist
The milk chocolate coating adds an extra layer of flavour to the sweetness of the pistachio. The ganache has a very pronounced flavour that remains in the mouth for a deliciously long time.
The tonka bean has an almost musky, vanilla-like flavour that amplifies the feel of the chocolate, refines its flavour and prolongs your pleasure.
Milk chocolate encloses a creamy ganache with the subtle but distinctive flavour of mocha, just like the famous, high quality coffee. This praline will add a touch of sweetness and refinement to your coffee break.
Chocolate lovers will find this an irresistible after-dinner delight. The milk chocolate accentuates the sweetness of the ganache and contrasts the mild saltiness of the peanut.